Invitation to Industrial Open Source Network

Swedsoft and Addalot invite you to the Industrial Open Source Network, a network within Swedsoft, open to business and academics interested in growing their Industrial Open Source capabilities.

Join a Swedish network of industry and academia partners to grow your Open Source capabilities

There is a growing penetration of Open Source into software products and Gartner has concluded that the software industry has moved from in-house development to integration, where the products now largely consist of Open Source with differencing proprietary code. Which are the new key skills/competencies to succeed in this new environment? What can be learned from the early adopters of open source? How should an Open Source Program be structured and run? There are many challenging topics to be addressed to be leveraging the potential of open source and get ahead of the market. One way is to learn from others and to exchange experience and ideas with colleagues in the business.

The Industrial Open Source Network is a network within Swedsoft open to industry and academia partners engaged in the potential in Open Source. The overall purpose of the network is to make Swedish software industry more competitive by growing the participant’s open source capabilities. The network focus is to exchange knowledge and experiences and will decide on the form, frequency and content of the activities that will take place. Participation is free of charge; however, each participant must bear their own costs.

As part of the Swedsoft agenda to drive software competitiveness in Sweden, Addalot has initiated and will also co-ordinate the network activities. Note that the network is open to Swedsoft members as well as non-members.

The following organizations have stated a preliminary interest to participate:

  • SAAB initially focused on open source based development tools and in 2004 SAAB refactored and released Corona a training and simulation system with large proportion of open source. Today Open Source is part of the strategic roadmap partly thanks to the benefits of open source transparency in maintaining high levels of security.
  • Ericsson is taking use of open source both in the product dimension as well as for development tools and has been doing so for many years. In addition, Ericsson is engaging in a wide variety of open source projects.
  • Scania’s involvement in Open Source is increasing, helping them to reduce waste and improve the ability to meet the requirements from a changing market. Scania IT’s strategic direction, Open Source First, challenges existing layers in the IT stack, making open source the default for new deployments and complementing the Inner Source initiatives that have been running for years.
  • Sony Mobile become involved with Open Source with the introduction of Android in smartphones. Today they are the largest external contributor to Android! Sony Mobile was part of the effort to develop the handbook on Industrial Open Source.
  • QLIK has for many years had an active developer community. This community has recently evolved into several open source communities and the launch of QLIK Core platform which is an analytics development platform built around the Qlik Associative Engine and Qlik-authored open source libraries.
  • Axis has been engaged with Open Source since the late 1990:s and is using Linux as basis for their operating system. Furthermore, they utilize open source within their development tool chain.
  • imCode develops Open Source solutions for public sector and midsize companies. All their solutions are without licenses and imCode has over 10 years’ experience in business models for open source based systems.
  • Lund University, LTH, is researching the borderline between open source communities and companies to understand and guide the innovation interplay for tools and features. In the education programs students are taught and encouraged to engage in open source.
  • Blekinge Tekniska Högskola with its Software Engineering Research Lab conducts research in close collaboration with several companies and focuses on developing methods, frameworks and tools that improve software engineering processes and tools. Since 2012 the lab has actively researcher Open Source strategies for software-intensive organizations
  • Addalot provides consultancy services in the area of Industrial Open Source and was part of the effort to develop the handbook on Industrial Open Source.


Does this sound interesting to you?
Contact Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi at Addalot for more information and registration:
Email: ni********************@ad*****.se
Mobile: +46 706 800 521

Swedsoft is an independent, non-profit organization working to increase Swedish software’s competitiveness. We welcome companies, academia and the public sector, who are interested in software development, as members. Our goal is to make Sweden a centre for innovation of software intensive systems and through this, contributing to increased welfare and increased competitiveness.

For questions regarding Swedsoft please contact Gabriel Modéus (+46 8 782 09 79)

Gabriel Modéus and Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi


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