Summary on System & Software Safety conference in Stockholm, March 2016

In March 2016, Addalot held its 4th conference on System and Software Safety in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a very appreciated conference where experts and participants from both the Industry and University world met in Stockholm to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software and systems.

The 4th conference on System & Software Safety was held in March 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden. It was the result from a successful collaboration between Addalot , KTH and ICES that led to a very appreciated conference where experts and participants from the Industry and University world met in Stockholm to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software and systems. More than 80 participants from the industry, university and consultant firms participated in this year’s conference.

A lot of interesting research and development is currently ongoing in this field in order to create methods for process improvements, assessments and standardization of safety critical software and systems. With this conference, Addalot want to gather the stakeholders for discussions and to create an inspiring environment for exchanging ideas and knowledge.

“Considering the purpose of the conference, to inspire and network, we are very pleased. For next year we will work to include presentations from even more domains” says Nicolás Martín-Vivaldi, CEO at Addalot.

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This year we had two Keynotes taking place, ”Safety Challenges for Self-Driving Cars” by Jonas Nilsson from Volvo Cars and “Fundamental Principles of Software Safety Assurance” by professor Tim Kelly from the University of York. Two very interesting and appreciated presentations.

The conference was divided over two days where the first day consisted of the two Keynotes and a set of short presentations from various speakers. Below is a list of different topics that were covered:

  • Safety in autonomous systems
  • Risk assessment
  • Functional Safety
  • Agile development and Safety
  • Model based techniques in safety engineering
  • Different analysis methods for safety critical systems
  • Introducing Safety in organizations
  • Safety and security

Day two consisted of 6 workshops where the different areas where discussed in more depth. The complete program with all presentations can be found on our web site. This years program got an average of 4 of 5 possible in the conference evaluation which we think is a good evidence on that there is a strong need and wish for this conference to take place.

Feedback from the participants

The majority of the ones that handed in the conference evaluation were positive or very positive to this year’s conference. Over 90% of the respondents thought that the conference program to a large extent covered and addressed their challenges and interest related to safety critical systems and software. Many replied back that they would most certainly participate again next year:

“Would you visit the conference if it is given again next year”

The different presentations during day 1 got the following feedback, averaged and sorted after grading. The scale is from 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.

Martin Törngren, professor and co-organizer from KTH, says ”From KTH / ICES we see the conference as a great success. The conference plays an important role not only as a cross-industry meeting place but also by bringing together experts with different perspectives on safety. With more and more connected, smart and safety related systems there is a strong motivation to continue to develop this conference.

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Finally we would like to give a big thanks to all the Speakers and the Program Committee for making this a successful conference 2016.


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