About Us

30 years of experience in improvement work

Our fundamental approach is that the process, the current way of working, greatly influences both the quality of the products developed and the lead time for development work. Many companies focus on results and aim for improvement (faster, cheaper, better quality) without considering which capabilities need to be enhanced to make this possible. Our business idea is to help companies streamline their workflows to achieve their business goals.

How we work

We have over 30 years of experience in process improvement within the software industry. Our core competencies are defined as Software Engineering and improvement management. To ensure successful improvement projects, we have also established a set of principles that are summarized in our approach.

Goals and Objectives

The objective is to work towards making the systems and software industry in Scandinavia more efficient. Internally, the focus is on strengthening the company’s market position, delivery capabilities, and skill development.



Q-Labs starts as a department to EP-data


Ericsson reduces ownership in Q-Labs, DNV enters as part-owner


DNV buys whole of Q-Labs, which is transformed into a new business                 unit DNV IT Global Services


DNV ITGS AB transfers to the new company Addalot Consulting.

Contact us

We operate in Gothenburg, Malmö, and Stockholm, with our headquarters in Malmö. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find information on how to contact us. Alternatively, you can fill out the form, and we will get in touch with you.

Addalot Consulting