Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2019

Swedsoft invites you to STEW-2019, 22-23/10, in Lund. The purpose is to encourage and promote cooperation between industry, academia, and the public sector. This years theme is Connected Society!

STEW – General Information
The purpose of STEW is to encourage and promote cooperation between industry and academia, cooperation within industry, and cooperation with the public sector, to visualize research results and stimulate new cooperations in the area of software technology.
Transfer of results of academic research into real products or integrating them into industrial ways-of-working is one of the key challenges for both academic institutions and companies. Many companies today are often unaware of the existing research and many academic institutions have difficulties to disseminate their results within the industry.
To remedy this, the Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW) has been organized by Swedsoft to facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination of academic results within the industry. STEW provides a forum for researchers and industry representatives to meet and learn about recent, industry-relevant research in the domain of software development.

The theme this year is Connected Society! Some highlights from this years program:

  • Opening speaker: Maria Stellinger Ernblad, Chief Digital Officer of the City of Malmö: “Digital transformation of a city – a journey through collaboration and sustainability”
  • Key note: Jan Erik Solem, CEO Mapillary: ”Mapping the world at scale using computer vision and street-level imagery”
  • Key note: Johan Tyrberg, Bishop Church of Sweden: ” Theological perspective on Artificial Intelligence”


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