Aspice new

A new version of Automotive SPICE has recently been released. Some parts have been removed, some new have been introduced, this summary will explain the main changes.



We would like to invite you to the 12th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Göteborg, November 20, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH, ICES and Swedish Electromobility Centre.

Q-Labs Founder Sadly Passed Away

Larrgerq labs founder sadly passed away topaz cgi 4x

Geir Fagerhus, founder of the pioneering SW process & quality consultancy company Q-Labs has sadly passed away after illness. Our thoughts and sincere condolences lay with his family.

Dags för något nytt?

Larrgerfish topaz cgi 4x

Brinner du för förbättring? Addalot är ett nischat kunskapsföretag som hjälper systemutvecklande bolag att förbättra sin utvecklingsförmåga.


Jul 1

Addalot önskar alla kunder, leverantörer och samarbetspartners en riktigt god jul och gott nytt år!

Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2019

Larrgersoftware technology exchange workshop 2019 topaz cgi 4x

Swedsoft invites you to STEW-2019, 22-23/10, in Lund. The purpose is to encourage and promote cooperation between industry, academia, and the public sector. This years theme is Connected Society!

Invitation to Industrial Open Source Network

Larrgerinvitation to industrial open source network topaz cgi 4x

Swedsoft and Addalot invite you to the Industrial Open Source Network, a network within Swedsoft, open to business and academics interested in growing their Industrial Open Source capabilities.

Industrial Open Source

Larrgerindustrial open source topaz cgi 4x

How much of your system is in-house developed? Are you facing a growth of Open Source? Then this handbook on Industrial Open Source is for you!

Go to STEW with Addalot

Larrgersoftware technology exchange workshop 2018 topaz cgi 4x

Swedsoft invites you to the Seventh Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW). This year the conference will focus on Artificial intelligence/Machine Learning and Open Source. The workshop will take place October 17-18, 2018, at Malmö University.

Dina personuppgifter är trygga med oss

Larrgerdina personuppgifter ar trygga med oss topaz cgi 4x

Du är med i vår lista för nyhetsbrev. För att vi skall kunna uppfylla kraven på GDPR vill vi säkerställa att du förstår hur vi behandlar dina uppgifter.

Addalot Consulting