System & Software Safety 2018

We would like to invite you to the 6th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Stockholm, May 21-22, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH,and ICES.

Now open for registration

We would like to invite you to the 6th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety.

The conference as usual is organized by Addalot, KTH and ICES and has become the central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in-depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods. This year we will organize the workshops around some of the most interesting industrial research projects ongoing in Scandinavia. We aim for a good mix of participants and presentations from different industries and researchers.

The conference program is now ready and registration is available.

This year we are proud to announce four keynotes:


Assurance points in Software Development

By Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Bielefelt University  

Standards for critical software development, for example IEC 61508-3, lag years, even decades, behind. In 2010 we formulated 26 points to rigorously assure objective properties of the software using industrially-mature techniques. The talk discusses those assurance points and the prospects of introducing them into critical-software development practice.


Safety of intended functionality

Dr Håkan Sivencrona, Zenuity

Challenges in early concept phases, design and functional architectures. Perception, Sensor Fusion, Features and Vehicle Dynamics, how to find a balanced design with respect to safety. Data collection and Re-simulation. How to manage a fair and manageable job split between, OEM, HW developers and System/Software providers?


Safety of Autonomy: Challenges and Strategies

By Prof. John McDermid, University of York  

There is now an unprecedented level of activity in robotics and autonomy, that cannot effectively be addressed using standard methods. Challenges include e.g. demonstrating the safety of artificial intelligence (AI), especially for learning or adaptive systems.The talk will discuss these challenges and consider solution strategies, including  dynamic assessment of safety.


Assurance points in Software Development

By M.Sc. Jonathan Roberts

The practitioners’ motivation for having a link between safety and security during the design of CPS. The development of the Cyber-Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) for abstracting the decision process when designing for safety and security. The details and different ways of using theof the CRAF.


Other speeches for day one (21/5):

  • How does a safety standard change the safety work? Anna Beckman, Scania
  • SMILE: Safety analysis and verification & validation of MachIne lEarning based systems, Christoffer Englund, RISE
  • Software defenses against hardware failure, Chris Hobbs, QNX software system
  • Machine learning in automotive software development – oppportunities and challenges, Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers / University of Gothenburg


Day two (22/5) will have four half-day workshops or a full day training on system safety

  • WS1: Frontiers in Safety
  • WS2: Safety and Security
  • WS3: Users, HMI and Safety
  • WS4: Safety engineering for highly automated vehicles
  • System Safety Training: Why-Because Analysis, Ontological Hazard Analysis, and Risk Analysis

The conference will take place at Spårvagnshallarna in Stockholm, May 21-22, 2018 and is arranged in collaboration between AddalotKTH,and ICES.


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