System & Software Safety 2022
We would like to invite you to the 10th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Göteborg, November 22-23, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH, ICES and SAFER
Cyber Security Training for Professionals
PROMIS is a joint project between Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and several leading Swedish industrial companies and organizations. The goal is to supply customized, free courses in Information Security for professional engineers and software developers in the industry.
Summary on System & Software Safety conference in Stockholm, October 2019
The 7th Scandinavian conference on System and Software Safety was held in Stockholm, 22-23 October, 2019. The conference aims to inspire, grow knowledge and increase networking through gathering experts from both industry and university to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software-based systems.
System & Software Safety 2019
We would like to invite you to the 7th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Stockholm, October 22-23, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH,and ICES.
How Secure is your Developed Software?
The Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is an open framework to help organizations formulate and implement a strategy for software security that is tailored to the specific risks facing the organization.
System & Software Safety 2018
We would like to invite you to the 6th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Stockholm, May 21-22, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH,and ICES.
Two Highlights from Digital Society Symposium
Lund’s University 350 year anniversary organised a two days Digital Society Symposium – here are two highlights covering ”Man and Machine – the Challenge of Collaboration” and ”The digital society and democracy”
Att kommunicera arkitektur
Hur skall man kommunicera arkitektur på ett precist och effektivt sätt? Läs om IASAs nya handbok med praktiska råd och fallstudier baserat på intervjuer med experter från svenska företag.
Programvara i säkerhetskritiska tillämpningar
FMV’s programvarusäkerhetexperter vidareutvecklar tillsammans med experter från industrin ”Handbok Programvara i säkerhetskritiska tillämpningar” för att bättre hantera dagens komplexa system med ansvar och integration fördelat på flera spelare.
Arkitekturutvärdering – hot eller möjlighet
Addalot och Sveriges Radio drev workshop på ITARC 2016 kring utmaningarna med arkitekturutvärdering