Summary on System & Software Safety conference in Göteborg

The 12th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety was held 20 November at Lindholmen in Göteborg. The conference aims to inspire, grow knowledge and increase networking through gathering experts from both industry and university to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software-based systems.

The 12th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety was held 20 November at Lindholmen in Göteborg. The organizers were as usual KTH/ICES and Addalot, with Swedish Electromobility Center as the local partner this year. The result was a very appreciated conference where experts and participants from Industry and University met in Göteborg to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software and systems. The conference attracted more than 40 participants from industry, university and consultant organizations.

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A lot of interesting research and development is currently ongoing in this field in order to create methods for process improvements, assessments and standardization of safety critical software and systems. With this conference, the organizers want to gather stakeholders for discussions and to create an inspiring environment for exchanging ideas and knowledge.

“The distribution between industry and academia is well balanced and help to inspire and network, which is the purpose of the conference”  says Even-André Karlsson, Addalot representative in the program committee.

Keynote speakers were Johan Hellsing from Heart Aerospace presenting the ES-30 aircraft with a unique Electric Hybrid Propulsion System (EHPS),

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and Anton Nytén, Etteplan talking about safety challenges in the battery market.

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In addition to the two keynotes there were a set of shorter presentations from various speakers. Below is a list of the different topics that were covered:

  • Data-Driven Survival Modeling for Predictive Maintenance
  • Ontology-based representation for assurance and compliance
  • Holistic perspectives on safety of Automated Driving Systems
  • Vehicle-Level Thermal Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries: Experimental Analysis and Method
  • Case study: Automotive SPICE® extensions with functional safety at Volvo Group
  • Quantitative fault tree analysis (qFTA) for autonomous systems,

In the evening there was a social dinner for more relaxed and informal time to nework.

The full program can be found at the conference web site and there you can also find all presentations to be downloaded.

In 2025 the conference will be in Stockholm, and we will shortly announce a call for presentations.


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