System & Software Safety 2022

We would like to invite you to the 10th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Göteborg, November 22-23, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH, ICES and SAFER

We would like to invite you to the 10th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety.

The conference as usual is organized by Addalot, KTH ICES and SAFER and has become the central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in-depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods. We aim for a good mix of participants and presentations from different industries and researchers.

The conference program is now ready and registration is available.

This year we are proud to announce three keynotes:


A Man-in-the-middle of a heartattack

Dr. Marie Moe, Mandiant

Gradually we are all becoming more and more dependent on connected technology. We will be able to live longer with an increased quality of life due to medical devices and sensors attached to, or integrated into our bodies. However, our dependence on technology grows faster than our ability to secure it, and a security failure of a medical device may cause patient harm and have fatal consequences. Dr. Marie Moe is a security researcher, and in 2015 she started a hacking project to figure out if she could trust the device that was keeping her alive, an IoT-connected pacemaker implant. This talk will cover the latest findings from this research project, in particular how it is possible to perform a Man-in-the-Middle attack between the pacemaker device and the corresponding backend server with the help of a fake mobile base station, giving access to the patient’s medical data.


Visual Commonsense for the self-driving car

Prof. Mehul Bhatt, Örebro univerity / CoDesign lab EU

Popular perceptions aside, it is no secret that much remains to be desired of the ”intelligence” of self-driving cars for their safe and trustworthy deployment in public life. How do we improve the driving intelligence of autonomous vehicles? What is presently missing per se? What are some possible or desirable baselines of ”intelligence” in driving performance, for instance, from the viewpoint of decision-making in safety-critical situations? How do we standardise and evaluate automated driving software performance with respect to identifiable performance baselines such that both human expectations, as well as envisaged licensing and other regulatory norms may be fulfilled?

In this talk, I will elaborate upon the aforesaid context and present possible directions and solution methodologies. This will be done in the backdrop of a case-study aimed at designing ”computational visual commonsense” that enables self-driving vehicles to form a space-time mental model of the dynamic environment typically encountered in everyday driving. I argue that in addition to a critical emphasis on technological solutions, industrial and academic efforts in autonomous driving now need to emancipate an interdisciplinary mindset encompassing Cognition, AI, and Interaction Design. This is needed to better appreciate the nuances, complexity, and spectrum of diverse human-centred challenges in fully autonomous driving in the real world.

Software system design for the connected vehicle

Christina Rux,  Solution Architect, WirelessCar

The complex system design of a vehicle is faced with new challenges. The vehicle manufacturers are turning into providers of mobility and transportation solutions.  New business partners are increasing the complexity of the product in its ecosystem. Connected vehicles and continuous over-the-air-updates are opening up for new cybersecurity threats.

  • How does the new focus on becoming a software company impact the system design inside and outside the vehicle?
  • What new technologies affect the software system design, eg AI, centralized compute, electrical vehicles, self-driving cars.
  • How can you control security and safety?
  • What new architecture tradeoffs are in focus?
  • What design constraints are still impacting the design?


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