Summary on System & Software Safety conference in Göteborg

The 12th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety was held 20 November at Lindholmen in Göteborg. The conference aims to inspire, grow knowledge and increase networking through gathering experts from both industry and university to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software-based systems.

A new version of Automotive SPICE has recently been released. Some parts have been removed, some new have been introduced, this summary will explain the main changes.
Fulfilling the Requirements of the EU Cyber Resilience Act

Manufacturers and importers that provide products with digital elements in the EU market will have to comply with the Cyber Resilience Act. This article contains some general practical advice on the implementation of these requirements.

We would like to invite you to the 12th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Göteborg, November 20, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH, ICES and Swedish Electromobility Centre.
Q-Labs Founder Sadly Passed Away

Geir Fagerhus, founder of the pioneering SW process & quality consultancy company Q-Labs has sadly passed away after illness. Our thoughts and sincere condolences lay with his family.
Dags för något nytt?

Brinner du för förbättring? Addalot är ett nischat kunskapsföretag som hjälper systemutvecklande bolag att förbättra sin utvecklingsförmåga.
SAFE® and Agile Values

If you implement SAFE in your organization, will your organization become agile? This article tries to unfold this topic by exploring SAFE from the perspective of the agile principles.
System & Software Safety 2022

We would like to invite you to the 10th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Göteborg, November 22-23, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH, ICES and SAFER
Cyber Security Training for Professionals

PROMIS is a joint project between Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and several leading Swedish industrial companies and organizations. The goal is to supply customized, free courses in Information Security for professional engineers and software developers in the industry.
Systems Engineering for Machine Learning

Machine Learning development has until now been a fairly experimental endeavour. By applying Systems Engineering practices, for example by defining its development lifecycle, it can be brought closer to traditional engineering disciplines.