Addalot önskar alla kunder, leverantörer och samarbetspartners en riktigt god jul och gott nytt år!
Allt du skulle vilja veta om A-SPICE (men varit för skraj att fråga om)

A-SPICE är numera de-facto standard inom systemutveckling för bilindustrin. Men vad är A-SPICE och vad får man ut av A-SPICE utvärderingar? För att räta ut ett antal frågetecken gör vi en intervju med vår egen certifierade ”assessor” Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi.
Summary on System & Software Safety conference in Stockholm, October 2019

The 7th Scandinavian conference on System and Software Safety was held in Stockholm, 22-23 October, 2019. The conference aims to inspire, grow knowledge and increase networking through gathering experts from both industry and university to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software-based systems.
From Guessing to Knowing: How to Become Data Driven

Have you ever been told that something has been decided but not why? Have you seen initiatives being launched that later just disappeared without a trace? Or have you maybe experienced taking decisions based on incomplete information yourself, but never knew if they were right or wrong?
System & Software Safety 2019

We would like to invite you to the 7th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety. The conference will take place in Stockholm, October 22-23, and is arranged in collaboration between Addalot, KTH,and ICES.
Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2019

Swedsoft invites you to STEW-2019, 22-23/10, in Lund. The purpose is to encourage and promote cooperation between industry, academia, and the public sector. This years theme is Connected Society!
Fly me to the moon

Reflections on the book “Failure is not an option”, the inside story of what went on in Mission Control at NASA
Invitation to Industrial Open Source Network

Swedsoft and Addalot invite you to the Industrial Open Source Network, a network within Swedsoft, open to business and academics interested in growing their Industrial Open Source capabilities.
Landskrona Energi Service AB

IT Services var fram till årsskiftet en intern IT-avdelning inom Landskrona Stad. Förändringsresan till en konkurrensutsatt IT-leverantör är påbörjad och som en start på denna resa genomfördes en interaktiv workshop för att etablera en gemensam plan.
Software Technology Exchange Workshop

Swedsoft’s software conference “STEW” was this year hosted by Malmö University. The conference was focused on two themes, AI & Machine Learning and Open Source, and included a series of interesting presentations, exciting exchange of ideas and networking.